
St. galaxy银河娱乐场app 战略计划 (2022-2027)

As the university writes its next chapter, we find ourselves at a turning point. 变化无处不在. The job market is changing. Demographics are changing. Student needs and expectations are changing. 敏捷galaxy银河娱乐场app is ready to address these challenges and make bold moves to redefine itself as the leading Catholic Learner-Centric University.

圣. galaxy银河娱乐场app 战略计划 敏捷galaxy银河娱乐场app (2022-2027)是一个 路线图 that guides us toward excellence in teaching, research, service to our community. 在这个网页上, you will find an overview of our strategic plan and the planning 过程, as well as detailed information about our 区域 的焦点 and strategic outcomes.

We invite you to explore our strategic plan and learn more about our commitment to providing world-class education and making a positive impact on society.





目标 & 结果

结果 Bullseye Icon


在圣. galaxy银河娱乐场app, we believe that careful planning and thoughtful execution are critical components of success.

考虑到这一点, we have developed a comprehensive strategic plan and 过程 that outlines our vision for the future and the steps we will take to achieve our goals.


The marketplace for higher education is going through significant transformation and change as we enter the post-pandemic period.

  • Changing Marketplace Expectations 
    • Gen Z learners want shorter, 更便宜的, more direct-to-career pathways in high-demand industries (Question the Quo, 2022)
    • 68% of adults considering enrolling in education prefer non-degree pathways, up from 50% a year ago (Strada Education)
    • More traditional students want online education and experts predict online students will make up 30% of all college students within five years (Education Dynamics, 2022)
    • 39 million adults have some college but no degree or credential. 1.9 million live in Illinois; 655,908 of these adults live in Iowa. (National Student Clearinghouse, 2022)
    • Employers increasingly tout their willingness to "train on the job" with 50% of IBM's US job openings not requiring a college degree. (盖洛普,2022)
  • Declining Student 招生
  • Increasing Student Debt Burden
  • Technological Change and Disruption to Meet Evolving Learner Needs
战略计划 Framework

圣. galaxy银河娱乐场app 敏捷galaxy银河娱乐场app strategic plan is built around three key components: strategic 柱子,战略性的 过程区域 的焦点. All three components work together to create a framework for achieving the goals and objectives of an 敏捷galaxy银河娱乐场app.

战略计划ning Framework

战略计划 Pillars

战略计划 Pillars

The strategic plan is driven by a commitment to the four 柱子 of the cross. Each pillar represents an anchor of our foundation.

  • Faculty, Staff, Student Engagement Axis - A flourishing faculty and staff are central to strong student engagement.
  • Faith, Tradition, Innovation Axis - galaxy银河娱乐场app balances its faith tradition rooted in the Catholic Intellectual Tradition and Catholic Social Teaching with a spirit of innovation that has driven the university to serve learners across their lifespan while recognizing that to be a learner-centric university, we must model agile and evolutionary efforts to meet learners in new spaces with new models and new pedagogies.
战略计划 Process

战略计划ning Process

To achieve our vision, we must continuously bring sustainability (clarity), 焦点, growth to our strategy.

  1. 可持续发展, What problem are we trying to solve or where are we trying to go? What infrastructure do we need to build to get there?
  2. 焦点 - Can we test the solution and see if it works?
  3. 增长, Can we scale to achieve the desired goal? How are we going to get there?
  4. 转换- - - - - - St怎么样了?. galaxy银河娱乐场app been changed and transformed by an order of magnitude?


In the application of the planning framework, the 敏捷galaxy银河娱乐场app strategic plan 焦点es on five key 区域 for transformation; we refer to the 区域 as the 五个的 galaxy银河娱乐场app的.


我们是 anchored (click here to read more) in the Catholic intellectual tradition, 文科, a commitment to developing principle-centered leaders.


我们是 active (click here to read more) through our engagement with the community.


我们是 adaptive (click here to read more) to the evolving ways students learn and to the needs of business and industry.


我们是 accessible (click here to read more) to learners across their lifespan.


我们是 affordable (click here to read more) to the next generation of learners.

战略计划 目标 & 结果

There are five key strategic goals and outcomes of this strategic plan to be achieved by 2027.

  • 招生 = 3000名学生
  • 市场份额 = 12%
  • 新的伙伴关系 = 35
  • 营业收入 = $72.500万年
  • Philanthropic Giving = 5000万美元


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