Biomedical Laboratory Science

用你的科学好奇心为医疗保健领域做出贡献. 在生物医学实验室科学学位准备你在医院实验室工作或领导开创性的研究. 学习如何分析和解释医学测试是诊断和治疗疾病的关键.

A one-year, 现场密集的临床实验室实习将扩大你的技能,并为你的职业生涯做好准备,重点是微生物学, virology, immunology, hematology, and more.

Ambrose Advantages

  • Clinical Laboratory Practicum
  • First-year Research Opportunities
  • Study Anatomy and Physiology with Human Cadavers

woman using lab equipment

person wearing blue gloves

students in lab

在SAU,你会得到一个最先进的教育,充满了独特的机会,包括研究. Our biology-based programs are well-established, rigorous, 并赋予你发挥最大潜能的技能. 事实上,我们90%的生物学专业毕业生进入了医疗保健领域. 扩展你的教育与第二专业和指导我们的教师的每一步.




What Will I Learn?

There are many ways to find an answer. Your education, based in the liberal arts, 教会你要坚持不懈,在找到解决方案之前走遍所有道路. 你将接受均衡的教育,成为一个全面发展的实验室科学家. You'll take classes in biology and chemistry, as well as genetics, organic chemistry, and biochemistry. You'll study cell structure and function, 设计并实施实验来检验你的假设, and cite and discuss chemical hygiene issues.


Learn more about our biology and chemistry alumni

What are my unique learning opportunities?

我们的解剖学和生理学课程使用基于尸体解剖的实验室, 这使得南澳大学成为爱荷华州为数不多的提供这种本科体验的大学之一. We've designed a strong curriculum and give you opportunities that support your goals; just ask our graduates, 90% of whom go into healthcare. 点击这里阅读我们的一些毕业生以及他们在医疗保健领域取得的成功.

在生物学专业的每门实验课程中, 学生设计并实施自己的实验. 你将分析数据并以书面实验报告和口头ppt的形式展示你的发现. These student-led, 探究式实验室实验可以帮助你获得宝贵的批判性思维和沟通技巧,可以应用于任何职业.

Are your joining SAU as a first-year student? 考虑加入我们的野外生物学研究学习galaxy银河娱乐场app-行动探究-将实验室带到密西西比河附近为数不多的城市湿地之一, Nahant Marsh. 综合统计和新生研讨会课程为您提供生成强大实验和演示所需的支持, 你可以在学期结束时向galaxy银河娱乐场appgalaxy银河娱乐场app展示你的研究.

通过加入生物俱乐部或我们的生物荣誉协会来加深你的学习. Become a member of Doctors to Bee,并在准备读研时得到同龄人的指导和支持. 你也可以与教师密切合作,同时参加生物实验室准备工作.

你也可以通过我们的网站与实验室的教师一起研究你的或他们的项目 Undergraduate Summer Research Institute. 文理学院也举办春季活动 Undergraduate Scholars Conference.

What are some possible job outcomes?

Coming in second only to nursing, 医学化验师是医疗保健行业最受欢迎的职业.1

大多数医学实验室科学家在医院工作, 哪里估计98%的住院病人需要至少一项实验室检查. 毕业生也将准备在诊断实验室工作, physician offices, and outpatient care centers, which also have a need for laboratory testing.

这类工作的平均工资约为6万美元(2015年)。. And, 对医疗和临床实验室技术人员的需求预计将相当高:近20人,到2026年,该行业将需要1000人.2

2Bureau of Labor Statistics


Dennis Tarasi, PhD, Chair and Assoc. Professor

Neil Aschliman, PhD, Professor
Amy Blair
, PhD, Professor
Amanda Bohnert, MA, MS, Lecturer
Matt Halfhill
, PhD, Professor
Kirk Kelley, PhD, Professor
Brenda Peters, PhD, Professor
Justin Rice, PhD, Asst. Professor
Nathan Steffens, Asst. Professor
Diamond Jelani, Biology Laboratory Coordinator

Degree Requirements




BIOL 199+基础生物学1:生命系统基础,4学分
BIOL 200+实验室一般生物学II:生命系统的功能,4学分
BIOL 230+实验室人体解剖学和生理学I, 4学分
BIOL 232+实验室人体解剖学和生理学II, 4学分
BIOL 211+微生物学实验导论,4学分或251+微生物学实验基础,4学分
BIOL 303+Lab Genetics, 4 credits
CHEM 105+Lab General Chemistry I, 4 credits
CHEM 106+Lab General Chemistry II, 4 credits
CHEM 110 Lab Safety, 1 credit
CHEM 207/209 Organic Chemistry+Lab I, 4 credits
CHEM 208/210 Organic Chemistry+Lab II, 4 credits
CHEM 319/320 Biochemistry+Lab, 4 credits
STAT 213应用统计推理科学,3学分
Major Field Test, 0 credits

12-15 months clinical laboratory practicum

WI=writing intensive

Plan to Graduate

这是一个在四年内修完并毕业的课程样本. 这个计划假定学生在高中学过三年外语.


Year One

BIOL 199+Lab 4 BIOL 200+Lab 4
CHEM 105 4 CHEM 106+Lab 4
MATH171 3 THEO 100-level 3
ENGL 101 3 Oral Communication 3
New Student Seminar 1 InfoLit 1
KIN 149 1 CHEM 110 1
Total 16 Total 16

Year Two

BIOL 201 4 BIOL 211+Lab or BIOL 251+Lab 4
CHEM 207 3 CHEM 208 3
CHEM 209 1 CHEM 210 1
STAT 213 3 Social Science 3
PHIL 100-level 3 Humanities 3
KIN activity 1-2 Creative Arts 3
Total 15-16 Total; 17

Year Three

BIOL 300 3 BIOL 303+Lab 4
BIOL 230+Lab 4 BIOL 232+Lab 4
CHEM 319 3 THEO/PHIL 300-level 3
CHEM 320 1 WI-Humanities 3
PHIL/THEO 3 Medical Terminology 1
Total 14 Total 15


Clinical Laboratory Practicum, 8 credits

Year Four

Fall – Clinical Laboratory Practicum, 16 credits
Spring – Clinical Laboratory Practicum, 16 credits

Apply Visit Info


Brenda J. Peters, Ph.D.

Biology Department
207 Lewis Hall
518 W. Locust St.
Davenport, IA, 52803

So, what's next?

Are you ready to take the next step? 点击下面的访问按钮,了解更多galaxy银河娱乐场app的虚拟和亲自访问选项.