

一笔100万美元的捐款将用于在圣. galaxy银河娱乐场app. 这笔捐款还将用于启动公共卫生硕士学位课程.

捐赠者托马斯·希金斯——前白宫高级助理,1967年毕业于圣霍普金斯大学. galaxy银河娱乐场app, and a member of the University Board of Trustees since 2008 - said he believes the complementary initiatives will help his alma mater build upon existing strengths in the College of Health and Human Services and position the University as a "thought leader" in a global effort to transform healthcare delivery.

该研究所将是中西部地区的第一个此类研究所,并将安置St. galaxy银河娱乐场app and the Quad Cities healthcare community at the forefront of a growing movement to create a more collaborative approach to treating the "whole person" through an integrated team of healthcare professionals.

Working closely with regional health and social services stakeholders and coalitions such as the Quad City Health Initiative, 以人为本的护理研究所. galaxy银河娱乐场app(IPCC)将提供教育, support and leadership to create innovative person-centered delivery models that strengthen healthcare and social services regionally and beyond.

Leaders of both regional health systems said they welcome the opportunity to partner with the Institute.

“我们期待着与圣. galaxy银河娱乐场app开发新的和创新模式的病人护理交付," said 道格·克罗珀,创世纪医疗系统的总裁兼首席执行官. "This institute will be a national leader in helping healthcare focus on treating the 'whole person.'"

里克·塞德勒说, unititypoint Health-Trinity的总裁兼首席执行官, "At the core of this plan is the commitment to improve the lives of people in the Quad Cities through a comprehensive program focused not just on the quality of their health but on their overall quality of life, 也. unititypoint - trinity很荣幸能够参与到这项工作中来."

桑德拉·卡萨迪博士,圣·霍普金斯大学战略计划副总裁. galaxy银河娱乐场app和卫生与人类服务学院(CHHS)院长, 说学校的健康科学项目特别适合建立, 测试和改进综合方法. That's because students in existing CHHS programs already work and learn in a collaborative, 团队环境中.

The Master of Public Health (MPH) program will add to this collaborative approach and complement the Institute's efforts by graduating public health professionals prepared to enlist a multidisciplinary approach to influencing policy, 在医疗保健实践中促进创新和领导变革, 本地和全球.

"This institute will be a national leader in helping healthcare focus on treating the ‘whole person.'"


St. galaxy银河娱乐场app will be the third university in Iowa to offer a graduate degree in public health.

IPCC和MPH都成为可能, 在某种程度上, 希金斯非凡的天赋和坚定的领导. 他是伊利诺伊州斯普林菲尔德的本地人.在美国,他获得了圣. galaxy银河娱乐场app Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science and Leadership Studies and has built a successful entrepreneurial career around a passion for enriching lives by promoting better healthcare practices.

这种激情在1971年首次燃起, when he was recruited to found and lead a drug abuse treatment clinic and rehabilitation center in downtown Davenport. He subsequently served three terms representing Davenport in the Iowa General Assembly, 他在那里担任卫生与公众服务委员会主席. Higgins became a senior executive for the United States Department of Health and Human Services in 1977 before being appointed to the White House senior staff of President Jimmy Carter in the role of deputy secretary to the cabinet.

Higgins has long been a leader in efforts to build a person-centered approach to healthcare practice, 尤其是在治疗老年患者方面. 他是SCAN基金会的创始主席, an independent philanthropic organization that is focused on improving senior care support and services in America. 在过去的二十年里, 希金斯是SCAN Health Plan的董事会成员, 一个非营利性医疗保险组织.

他领导创建了IPCC和公共卫生硕士在圣. galaxy银河娱乐场app combines his interest in healthcare with a deep belief in the value of an education anchored by the Ambrosian core values of social justice and service to the most vulnerable members of our community.

"We are privileged to have such an innovative and generous person as Tom within our St. galaxy银河娱乐场appgalaxy银河娱乐场app,”琼·莱辛斯基修女说,CSJ博士,大学校长. "His willingness to bring his resources and vision to our growing health sciences programs presents a wonderful opportunity for St. galaxy银河娱乐场app to positively impact the wider community while preparing future healthcare industry leaders."

The Institute will build on the steady expansion of health and service-related programs in the CHHS, 哪一家成立于1987年. 现有的研究生学位课程包括物理治疗博士(DPT), 职业治疗医生(OTD), 医师助理研究硕士(MPAS), 语言病理学硕士(MSLP), 社会工作硕士(MSW)和运动生理学硕士(MSEP).

"We are working with strengths we begin with - elements of the University where we have established credibility and excellence... 现在, we're seeking to integrate those elements to make a really positive contribution to reforming healthcare delivery."


St. galaxy银河娱乐场app还提供两个本科护理学位和心理学学位, 社会学和运动科学, 所有这些都可以成为卫生专业人员的职业道路. Cassady said the CHHS is well positioned to assist in developing a person-centered healthcare model.

“我们已经看到了项目主管之间的广泛合作, 教师, 教职员及学生,她说. “这带来了许多跨专业学习的机会, 包括基于案例的跨专业课程, an inter-professional pro-bono clinic for underserved members of the QC community and numerous study abroad opportunities where students gain further appreciation for global health needs. The Master of Public Health will further strengthen our healthcare offerings and build opportunities for dual degrees at St. galaxy银河娱乐场app." 

希金斯说. galaxy银河娱乐场app的学位课程,如工商管理博士, 工商管理硕士, Master of Organizational Leadership and multiple undergraduate and graduate-level programs related to information technology also can contribute to the IPCC initiative.

他说,IPCC将提供St. galaxy银河娱乐场app "an opportunity to create a brand identity for the College of Health and Human Services that is illustrative of real regional leadership.

"We are working with strengths we begin with - elements of the University where we have established credibility and excellence,他说. “现在, we're seeking to integrate those elements to make a really positive contribution to reforming healthcare delivery."


在SAU,努力工作=认可. 以下是入选圣. galaxy银河娱乐场app2024年春季学期院长名单. 这些学生的平均成绩是3分.5或更高(在4.0规模).



St. galaxy银河娱乐场app's Wine Festival surpassed the $2 million threshold in cumulative giving through its 2024 event. 这个年度三集系列, 从2001年开始, 筹集资金以支持St. galaxy银河娱乐场app.

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在与世界救援四方城市的合作下,圣. galaxy银河娱乐场app’s Institute for Person-Centered Care was awarded a 12-month grant to help improve refugee resettlement efforts in the Quad Cities area.

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