
无论你的目标是分析统计数据, 在初中或高中阶段教孩子数学, 或者钻研新兴的数据科学领域, St. Ambrose has an outstanding Mathematics program that can help you succeed.

Our graduates work 在私立和公立中学和高中, financial institutions, the Rock Island Arsenal, and many more.

Ambrose Advantages

  • Focus on Learning
  • Research and Analysis
  • Quality Instructors


students in class

students walking outside

At St. Ambrose, you won't passively attend classes taught by graduate teaching assistants. Instead, you'll work with talented faculty dedicated to guiding you towards mastery of the knowledge, skills, 以及实现目标所需的工具.



What will I learn?

课程包括微积分、解析几何、逻辑学 & Proof, Modern Probability & 统计学和常微分方程. 在我们的主题和数学计算课程, you work one-on-one with faculty on research and analysis projects.

Do you want to stand out to employers or in graduate school admissions? If so, intern. 美国数学学会认为 可用的暑期研究经验列表 本科数学专业. 美国统计协会认为 统计方面的实习机会列表. 此外,你的教授和 SAU Career Center 会帮你找到一个符合你目标的机会吗.

If you want to further specialize your skills, we recommend a dual major. We have programs in finance, computer science, biology, chemistry, engineering, and others that will open up even more post-graduate opportunities.

将数学专业与数学专业相结合的学生 中学教学背书 能教初中或高中吗. Many of our graduates find immediate employment as secondary math teachers.


A Mathematics major gives you immediate options for jobs in actuarial science, business analytics, and data science. 其他职业领域包括生物统计学/生物数学, business intelligence, mathematician, operations research, 统计学家/数据分析师.

如果你把数学专业和 中学教学背书你可以教初中或高中. Many of our graduates are immediately hired as secondary math teachers.

Many of our students advance to graduate programs in Measurement & 统计,神经科学,数学和数学教育. Two graduates went on to earn PhDs and now teach in our department.

根据美国劳工统计局的数据, 研究生学位可以带来巨大的经济成功. In 2016, the median salary for a mathematician was $105,810 and for a statistician was $80,500. 数学家的就业预计将增长21%, 对于统计学家来说,增长率超过34%, through 2024.

  • Karlie Ann Wade (mathematics education 2018): High-school mathematics instructor, 北京galaxy银河娱乐场app学区, Pekin, IA.
  • Caleb Reiter (mathematics graduate 2018): Software Developer at State Farm, Kewanee, Ill.
  • Andrew Huffman (mathematics graduate 2018): Software Engineer at Herzog, Marion, Ill.
  • Ryan Golden (mathematics graduate 2017): Completed a PhD at the University of San Diego in computational neuroscience.
  • Ty Balduf (mathematics graduate 2016):Completed a PhD in chemistry at the University of Kansas and works as a theoretical chemist.
  • Angelica Rankin (mathematics graduate 2015): Transferred to SAU to complete her Teacher Education (5-12) and Math degree. She completed her PhD studies at the University of Iowa and now is the Associate Director of Project Lead the Way.

Tim Gillespie,博士,教授和主席

Il Woo Cho, PhD, Professor
Junyi Dong, PhD, Asst. Professor
Michael Kiss, Lecturer
Lisa Thimm, MS, Senior Lecturer

Degree Requirements


+数学191微积分和解析几何I, 4学分
数学192微积分和解析几何II, 4学分
数学220逻辑入门 & Proof, 3 credits
数学291微积分III, 4学分
数学/STAT 300现代概率 & Statistics, 3 credits
数学/STAT 301统计建模,3学分

Students who wish to earn a secondary (grades 5-12) teaching license will:

  • Substitute MATH 340 Secondary Math Methods (3 credits) for MATH 400 Topics in Mathematics (3 credits)
  • 完成教育工作者准备课程的必修课程.



Plan to Graduate

This is the suggested plan for students to graduate in four years with a degree in Math. This plan assumes the student has not taken three years of foreign language in high school.

Year One

Oral Communication 3 Foreign Language 101 3
Written Communication 3 天主教的知识传统 3
Information Literacy 1 Health & Fitness I              1
Quantitative Reasoning 0 Health & Fitness II 1
MATH 191 Calculus I 4 MATH 192 Calculus II
[预修AP Calc AB考试3或以上或数学191]
3 MATH 290 Linear Algebra
Total Credits 14 Total Credits 15

Year Two

Creative Arts 3 Humanities 3
Foreign Language 102 3 Social Science 3
天主教的知识传统 3 天主教的知识传统 3
*MATH 291 Calculus III 4 *数学301统计建模 3
*数学300现代概率 & Statistics 3 *数学320微分方程 3
Total Credits 16 Total Credits 15

Year Three

Humanities 3 数学规划(需要部门批准) 3
Social Science 4 Electives 12
天主教的知识传统 3
*MATH 370 Real Analysis 3
MATH 395 Seminar 1
Total Credits 14 Total Credits 15

Year Four

*MATH 380 Abstract Algebra 3 天主教的知识传统 3
Electives 12 Electives 12
Total Credits 15 Total Credits 15

*Needs prerequisite. See Course Catalog for details.

Minor in Math (17 credits)

A minor in math consists of computational and theoretical courses.

数学191微积分和解析几何II, 4学分
数学192微积分和解析几何II, 4学分
MATH 380 Abstract Algebra, MATH 370 Real Analysis, or MATH 400 Topics, 3 credits


A minor in statistics consists of math and applied statistics courses.

Required (14 credits):
数学191微积分和解析几何II, 4学分
数学192微积分和解析几何II, 4学分

Choose One (3 credits):
WI-MATH 306数据分析伦理

Scholarships and Grants


St. Ambrose offers excellent scholarships and grants, work-study and other financial aid options! Full-time students may be eligible based on your strong academic performance in college, your talent in fine arts or athletics or your demonstrated financial need as determined by the 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA). SAU的FAFSA学校代码是001889.


Merit-Based Scholarships

4.0 GPA: $24,000
3.75-3.99 GPA: $22,000
3.0-3.749 GPA: $20,000
2.5-2.99 GPA: $18,000
2.0-2.49 GPA: $14,000
If GPA is 2.0-2.入学所需的额外文件和审查.

Merit-Based Scholarships

4.o GPA: $17,000
3.75-3.99 GPA: $16,000
3.0-3.749 GPA: $15,000
2.5-2.99 GPA: $14,000
2.0-2.49 GPA: $13,000
If GPA is 2.0-2.入学所需的额外文件和审查.


符合资格的爱荷华州居民, learn more here

Fr. Welch Alumni Scholarship: $500 per year
Parent is a St. Ambrose graduate

天主教传统奖学金: $1,000 per year
Students with Catholic religious denomination or plans to graduate from Catholic high school 

Minority Scholarship: $500 per year

Athletic Scholarships: varies
Performance and ability

Fine Arts Scholarships: varies

信仰学习正义校园事工奖学金: $2,000 per year
Recognition of involvement in church and community service and interest in strengthening faith and growing as a leader in campus ministry

奖学金由未加权的GPA决定, 并且是可再生的四年本科学生. Increases in scholarship awards due to change in GPA will be reviewed until March 1.


Grants are money that you don't repay, and they can come from government or private sources. SAU receives all financial aid funds directly - including loans and grants - then applies them to your account: once in the fall term and once in the spring term. Grants can be used to cover your tuition, books, and housing costs. 你必须每学年申请助学金. If you have any loan funds in excess of your costs, you may receive a refund. If you are a first-time borrower, there is a 30-day hold on your first disbursement. 对于所有这些补助金,您必须完成免费申请 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA) 一有空位就去.

Iowa Tuition Grant
To be eligible for the Iowa Tuition Grant, you must be a resident of Iowa as defined by the State Board of Regents and currently enrolled or planning to enroll in an undergraduate degree program at an eligible Iowa college or university (SAU is eligible). Iowa College Aid administers need-based college financial aid for Iowans, 比如爱荷华学费补助.
Award: $7,500 maximum

Federal Pell Grant
Awarded to students of the highest need based on how much your family can contribute to your education. The U.S. 教育部设定了一个门槛. Then, when you file your 免费申请联邦学生资助 (FAFSA), it computes where you land within that threshold and determines if you qualify for the grant and for how much.
Award: $6,895 maximum

You must file a FAFSA 有资格获得佩尔助学金. 此补助金以先到者为准, first-served basis to students who have submitted all required documents for review and in time for the review to be complete. 如果你有资格获得佩尔助学金或SEOG, 这些奖项将出现在你的经济援助奖励信上.
Award: $400 maximum

Federal Work Study
Award: $2,560

Federal Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant 
Provides aid to students intending to teach in a high-need field at a school that serves low-income families (as determined by the U.S. 教育部或州教育机构). 查看标准和所有细节.
Award: up to $4,000

Outside Scholarships

There are many opportunities to receive scholarships from outside sources, 这里有几个网站,你可以开始研究你的选择:

Another tip: Next time you're on campus, check out the bulletin board outside Student Financial Services where we post more flyers and applications for outside scholarships.

Apply Visit Info


Tim Gillespie, Asst. Professor

Ambrose Hall
518 W. Locust St.
Davenport, IA 52803

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