
你的激情是源自抽象还是现实, 或者你只是想通过颜色来分享你的声音, St. galaxy银河娱乐场app将帮助你成长为一名优秀的艺术家,这样你就可以实现你的职业梦想.

Art graduates work at Augustana College, Erie (Illinois) Community School District, Genesis Health, Jeff Koons Studio New York, and others.

Ambrose Advantages

  • Outstanding Student Art Facilities
  • Faculty Support and Collaboration
  • Focus on Original Voice

Kristin with student outside

student painting outside

Emma painting abstract



What will I learn?

You will take foundation courses in drawing, design, visual narratives and art history, and specialized courses in figure drawing, professional practice, and painting.

Our integrated, 文科方法的艺术创作是非常有价值的,将挑战你的创造性成长. Oil painting, drawing, and other media will become your voice, 我们帮助你将生活经验融入到你对形式和内容的探索中.

我们的许多学生已经被研究生工作室艺术和艺术治疗项目录取, 包括佛蒙特大学艺术学院, University of Iowa, University of Minnesota, Boston University, Lesley University, Mt. Mary College, and Marquette University.

What are some possible career outcomes?

专攻绘画的艺术系学生可以担任画廊总监, curator, marketing assistant, visual communications specialist, production artist, illustrator, museum educator, museum preparator, design assistant, sign painter, media designer, fine artist/craftsperson, or teach.

优秀的艺术家按照自己的方式工作并不罕见. 根据美国劳工统计局(2016年)的数据,大约一半的优秀艺术家是自雇的,年收入中位数为48美元,780.

Where will I learn?

艺术系和学生艺术设施都设在 Galvin Fine Arts Center.

我们的主要绘画工作室是一个1600平方英尺的明亮的开放空间. 平面设计课程在Mac电脑实验室进行(配备最新的设计软件), Wacom tablets, scanners, laser printers, and a large-form inkjet printer).


  • One brand-new 34" x 60" Takach etching press
  • One 28" x 48" Sturges etching press
  • Rembrandt lithography press
  • Griffin lithography press
  • Two Chandler & Price letterpresses
  • Vandercook 325 Letterpress
  • Vacuum table for screen printing
  • Two exposure units
  • 聚合物制版机(数码图像制作必备)
  • 铅式抽屉100个,木式抽屉20个
  • Nipping press
  • Three book presses
  • Multiple sewing frames
  • 造纸厂:荷兰打包机、压纸机、模具、设备十余台

高尔文还有两个公共画廊 Morrissey and Catich – for students to exhibit their work.

一些基础和高级课程在学校的工作室里进行 Figge Museum我们的学生可以参观博物馆的藏品,参加讲座,并参加研讨会 for free.

Faculty and Staff

Joseph Lappie, MFA, Professor and Chair

Renee Meyer Ernst, MFA, Professor
Kristin Quinn, MFA, Professor
Christopher Reno, MFA, Clinical Asst. 卡蒂奇和莫里西画廊的教授和主任

What about scholarships and grants?

奖学金提供给在艺术作品中表现出模范才能的学生. 如果你有这样的创作激情,我们想和你谈谈在圣. galaxy银河娱乐场app可以丰富你的才能,并帮助你走上几条充实的职业道路.



What have alumni of this program done?
  • 在获得绘画学位后,劳伦·康诺利(Lauren Connolly)于2009年获得了博物馆研究硕士学位. 如今,她是明尼苏达科学博物馆的会员协调员.
  • Emma Hubner '17正在利用她在绘画方面的本科教育, Art Education, 和英语在喜乐谷(爱荷华州)学区任教.
  • 贝丝·范德莫伦07届是洛约拉大学医学中心的艺术治疗师.

Degree Requirements


AD-170 +Water Media (3 Credits)
AD-220 +Printmaking (3 Credits)
AD-250 +Experimental Drawing (3 Credits)
AD-270 +Painting 1 (3 Credits)
AD-300 Figure Drawing (3 Credits)
AD-370 Painting Lab (9 Credits)


Minors in Art

Art Minor (18 credits)


您还将学习如何解释和演示基本设计原则在各种艺术媒体中的应用方式, methods, 以及以独特而有趣的方式解决视觉问题的技术.


Check out our other art-related major in Art History and the minor in Museum Studies.

Graphic Design Minor (18 credits)

With a Graphic Design Minor, 除了有效组织语言的能力外,你还获得了基本设计原则和生产技术的工作知识, visual, and written information for diverse audiences.

All courses are 3 credits.

+AD 110 2D Design
+AD 140 Computers in Art
AD 210 Typography
AD 320 Digital Illustration
AD 350 Branding and Identity
AD 390 Interaction Design Lab


With a Design & Interactive Media Minor, 学生将了解平面设计的基本原理, 具有计算机科学基础应用和语言的工作知识, 以及运用设计和代码开发综合方法来解决互动媒体挑战的技能.

All courses are 3 credits.

+AD 140 Computers in Art
+AD 180 Motion Graphics
AD 290 Interaction Design Lab
+CSCI 140 Fundamentals of Computer Science
CSCI 330 Web Programming
CSCI 360 Database Management Systems

Read course descriptions

+ satisfies general education requirement

Print and Book Minor (18 credits)

With a Print and Book Minor, 您可以使用跨学科的知识来表达内容的分布,并在书中学习技术能力, paper, and print techniques, 为现实世界的艺术和设计提供全面的技能.

All courses are 3 credits.

+AD 140 computers in Art
+AD 160 Print/Paper Book I
+AD 220 Printmaking
+AD 225 Papermaking
+AD 260 Bookbinding
AD 280 Visual Narratives

Read course descriptions

Arts Administration Minor (18 credits)

With an Arts Administration Minor, 您将获得识别和应用广泛的业务技能和概念的能力.

您还将学习如何有效地口头沟通业务和组织的想法, in writing and through basic visual design, 同时培养在艺术领域工作所必需的适应能力和批判性思维能力.

所有艺术管理专业的未成年人都必须主修以下领域之一:艺术, Art History, English, History, or Music


Choose One (3 credits):
+MUSE 380 Introduction to Museum Studies 
COMM 230 Media Writing
ENGL 315 Written Business Communication

Choose Three (9 credits):
ACCT 201 Financial Accounting
COMM 240 Principles of Public Relations
COMM 251 Public Relations Techniques
MGMT 210 Principles of Management
MGMT 216 Entrepreneurship and Innovation
MKTG 209 Principles of Marketing
MGMT 320 Human Resource Management
MKTG 359 Social Media Marketing
SLS 335 Sales Principles 

Choose One (3 credits):
+AD 140 210 Computers in Art
COMM 225 Introduction to Visual Communication

Choose One (3 credits):
AH 450 Art Historical Methods and Careers
AH 490 Internship (1-4 credits)
WI-AD 310 Professional Practices
AD 410 Internship (1-3 credits)
ENGL 400 Writing Internship (1-6 credits)
THTR 399 Internship (1-5 credits)

+ Satisfies a General Education requirement
WI writing intensive

Art Therapy Minor (24 credits)


Required Core:
+AD 100 Drawing
AD 215 Introduction to Art Therapy
PSYC 105 Introduction to Psychology
PSYC 215 Research Methods

Required for Art majors

PSYC 212 Life-span Development
PSYC 324 Abnormal Psychology
PSYC 342 Theories of Counseling

Choose One (3 credits):
PSYC 327 Psychology & Treatment of the Juvenile Offender
PSYC 384 Child & Adolescent Psychology

Required for Psychology majors

+AD 120 3D Design
+AD 190 Digital Photography
+AD 220 Printmaking

Choose One (3 credits):
+AD 225 Papermaking
+AD 230 Intermediate Special Topics
+AD 260 Bookbinding
+AD 270 Painting I

Meet One of Our Alumni

我们的校友和学生正在做着了不起的事情, 这已经成为任何与圣乔治艺术学院绘画学士学位有关的人的标志. Ambrose. Learn more about one member of our community:

Apply Visit Info


Joseph Lappie, MFA, Department Chair

Galvin Fine Arts Center 7
518 W. Locust St.
Davenport, Iowa 52803

So, what's next?

Are you ready to take the next step? 点击下面的访问按钮,了解更多galaxy银河娱乐场app的虚拟和亲自访问选项.